+91 9645 600 032 | +91 9895 780 909

  Mon to Sat 8.00 am to 6.00 pm

Restore vision clarity with Advanced Retina Treatments

Our Retina Specialists offer expert care for diverse retinal conditions, including retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.

We closely evaluate patient conditions to prescribe laser therapy, intravitreal injections and vitrectomy for vision loss or floaters. With cutting-edge diagnostics and tailored interventions, our specialists ensure precise and effective care to restore optimal vision.

We provide the following facilities:




    OCT | FFA | B SCAN













Examining The Retina

A retinal examination also called as ophthalmoscopy or funduscopy. It allows the retinal specialist to evaluate the back of your eye, including your retina, optic disk and the underlying layer of blood vessels that nourish the retina (choroid). For a through retinal examination the pupils must be dilated using eye drops. The eyedrops used for dilation cause your pupils to widen, allowing in more light and giving your doctor a better view of the back of your eye.

Symptoms and Detection

How Keratoconus is treated?


    Depending on what you need to see at work, you might need to wear reading glasses or remove glasses that correct for nearsightedness until the effects of the eye drops wear off


    Huge strides have been made in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. Treatments such as scatter photocoagulation, focal photocoagulation, and vitrectomy prevent blindness in most people. The sooner retinopathy is diagnosed, the more likely these treatments will be successful. The best results occur when sight is still normal.


    In photocoagulation, the eye care professional makes tiny burns on the retina with a special laser. These burns seal the blood vessels and stop them from growing and leaking.


    In scatter photocoagulation (also called panretinal photocoagulation), the eye care professional makes hundreds of burns in a polka-dot pattern on two or more occasions. Scatter photocoagulation reduces the risk of blindness from vitreous hemorrhage or detachment of the retina, but it only works before bleeding or detachment has progressed very far. This treatment is also used for some kinds of glaucoma


    Side effects of scatter photocoagulation are usually minor. They include several days of blurred vision after each treatment and possible loss of side (peripheral) vision.


    In focal photocoagulation, the eye care professional aims the laser precisely at leaking blood vessels in the macula. This procedure does not cure blurry vision caused by macular edema. But it does keep it from getting worse.


    When the retina has already detached or a lot of blood has leaked into the eye, photocoagulation is no longer useful. The next option is vitrectomy, which is surgery to remove scar tissue and cloudy fluid from inside the eye. The earlier the operation occurs, the more likely it is to be successful. When the goal of the operation is to remove blood from the eye, it usually works. Reattaching a retina to the eye is much harder and works in only about half the cases.

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